Friday, September 3, 2010

One world, many theories

In our many subjects in our course, theories are usually discussed before we head on to the main topics because theories are usually used to identify the factors of the phenomena wherein they are put under a microscope in order to figure out the very reasons of what may had caused the problem. I believed also that theories are used in such way that we will be able to approach the conflict in a professional way or rather applying our profession to solve what may have happened. If you may ask me one of the mainstream theories for me are realism, liberalism and capitalism. Realism is wherein there is only one actor and that is the state. The state is wherein govern the country as my previous intrela professor Ms. Banez “the state and state alone.” In realism national security is the main national interest of the country when I think of realism I remember the happening in the US wherein they declared war between Iraq because of what had happened in the 9/11 incident. I believe that liberalism is the most typical in the world because in liberalism the people are heard and everyone has his/her freedom to speak his or her mind. The actors here are the state, ngos and the people. In capitalism I believe the government is controlled by the market which they propose free market or free trade between countries to put them together and unite them. I believe that there are so called social classes or was that mercantilism where those who have the gold or anything that the king and queen says will be followed.

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